Sarah Erickson
4th & 5th Grades
Ms. Erickson is a GCS alumna who attended GCS from third grade through her graduation. She then continued her education at Trinity International University where she earned a BA in Education. She returned to Grace to teach in 2007 and has been a part of the teaching staff here ever since. In that time she has taught a wide range of both grade levels and subjects, and continues to serve wherever she is needed. She believes in helping all students learn how to be able to live Proverbs 24:32: “I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw.”
Job Description/Class Overview:
Ms. Erickson is one of the middle school teachers at GCS. She works largely with 6th grade, but has classes with 7th and 8th graders as well. In addition to teaching math, history, and English, and various elective classes, Ms. Erickson works with the middle school students on developing the skills that they will need to be successful in middle school.