Brian Bradshaw
Facilities Manager
Brian Bradshaw has been married to his wife, Tina, since 2003. They have two daughters that have both attended GCS since preschool. They are members of Yore Community Church where Mr. Bradshaw serves as the Assistant Service Director and head of the IT department. He has also served on the advisory board, taught young adult Sunday School class and directed vacation bible school. In his down time, he enjoys reading, fishing, and hunting.
Job Description:
As Facility Manager at GCS, Mr. Bradshaw ensures that the school runs smoothly from day to day. He is responsible for many aspects of school life, including janitorial, preventative maintenance, lawn care, and security. One of the highlights of each week is teaching GCS Strength class. He serves as chairman of both the Building and Grounds Committee and the Crisis Committee. Mr. Bradshaw previously served three years on the school board, and chaired the Nominating Committee during that time. He considers Grace Christian an extension of his family and is excited and blessed to be a part of this association.