About Our Kindergarten Program
Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten
The goal of GCS Kindergarten is to build foundational reading and math skills using Christ-centered, research based instructional practices. Areas of curriculum instruction include phonics/reading, mathematics, writing, social studies, science, and Bible. Core classes are enriched by weekly experiences in the areas of Spanish, music, art, library, and physical education.
Transitional Kindergarten serves as a bridge between preschool and five-year-old kindergarten. Children learn essential reading and math foundational skills through formal instruction, paper and pencil activities, projects, art and music integration, play-based activities, games, and movement activities. In addition, children practice learning habits needed to be successful in kindergarten, such as working independently, playing and learning cooperatively, attending to tasks, and managing materials.
Five-Year-Old Kindergarten children master critical concepts essential for school success in all academic areas. Kindergarten students progress from naming letters and sounds to reading sentences and short paragraphs. In writing, students practice correct letter formation and learn to independently write words. In math, children gain an understanding of essential numeric concepts that will enhance learning in later grades. In addition, children work cooperatively and create projects in the areas of science and social studies.
Both classes receive daily Bible instruction consisting of basic biblical truths, Bible study, and Scripture memorization. All Kindergarten children attend a weekly chapel service with the other elementary students.