About Our Elementary Program
Elementary students are sponges. They can tell you every detail about their favorite movie or current interest. As Christian educators, we understand the biblical law of the harvest: Whatever a man sows, he will reap (Galatians 6:7). It is essential that students soak up whatever is true (Philippians 4:8)
For these reasons, we make every effort to take advantage of every moment with your child. Rooted from a biblical worldview we daily engage in Bible, Social Studies, Science, Math, Reading and Language Arts.
Throughout the week we include specials like Spanish, Art, Music, Chapel, and Library.

Music and Art are an important metric to evaluating a culture. Often these subjects are seen as secondary. From our cultural perspective, those in the entertainment industry are viewed as incredibly important as they often have the loudest voices and greatest influence over our youth. Both music and art are gifts from God for humanity to express itself. However, like all gifts from God, these can be distorted. Our teachers excel at using music and art to show the wonder and glory of our Creator.
In John 14 Thomas asks Jesus, “How do we know the way?” Jesus answers with, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” Knowing and believing what God has already said is pivotal. Through His Word we are able to follow the way: the way of Jesus. Our culture is trying to figure out a better way of living – a “just” society. It ignores Scripture that has pointed out the way of the God of justice and truth (Deuteronomy 32:4). Our curriculum fully embraces and teaches this truth at all levels.
Building on Kindergarten fundamentals, our elementary students acquire rapid expansion in vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and writing. These skills are further fostered through guided practice of reading strategies for fluency and comprehension. Our upper elementary students learn the basics of research and begin to experiment with various formats of composition.
Knowing math facts comes before manipulating math problems. Much time is spent establishing the fundamental tools and math facts that will be used daily in middle and high school math. A solid grasp of these essentials will be a firm foundation for success in later years.
Young children learn by playing and through discovery based learning. The purpose of Spanish in the elementary grades is to expose students to basic vocabulary and to allow them to “play” with the language in fun ways. As the student’s progress through elementary school, they begin to create interactive Spanish notebooks that they can use as they move through middle school and on into high school. Exposure to the cultures of various Spanish speaking countries is also introduced throughout elementary Spanish.