About Our High School Program
Having survived the middle school years, students enter high school with great expectations. Grace Christian provides many ways for students to develop a career path for life. The rigorous core classes prepare our students for the college classroom. We offer a variety of electives and opportunities through dual enrollment for students to test the waters in many fields.

Math is the foundation to logical thinking; logical thinking is the foundation to math. The critical thinking skills utilized in classes such as Algebra and Geometry will serve our students well throughout their lives, though they may not recognize it as such just yet. Our mathematics program focuses on the process as much as it does the product.
The scientific method is the foundation of Western science’s advances. Our science department helps students to understand that, much like God our Creator, who is Himself unchanging, a scientific truth can be demonstrated over and over again because God’s immutable laws are always at work. We filter all scientific claims through our Christian worldview, welcoming and exploring questions and challenges because the truth will never fail.
Learning to communicate well requires the development and practice of strong literacy skills. The study of phonics, grammar, writing, literature, and oral expression is necessary to equip students to communicate clearly and with confidence. Because the nature of man is sinful, our students live in a world of shifting values; this demands our attention towards a meaningful, relevant and strong Christian context for communication. It is our desire that students learn to read, reason, speak, listen and communicate well so they can live out their commitment to Christ, ultimately showing others what is of eternal value in our changing world.
At Grace Christian School we believe God has planned all of human history. As such, our aim is to teach both World and US History by asking “What was God doing in this event?” This is often a difficult question to answer and must be approached with humility and objectivity. Nonetheless, the question is important for the Christian historian to consider, and our middle school students are stretched in their application of critical thinking skills as they do so.
Dual enrollment is a program where a student may earn high school and college credit while earning their high school diploma. Towards the end of the spring of 23 Grace started to develop relationships with LMC, SMC, and Spring Arbor University for our students. Once our policy for 23-24 school year is finalized, it will be made available on the Documents page under Tools.